วันพุธที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

The Lego Death Star

There are few of us (in my generation at least) who don't remember their first introduction to the Star Wars movies. The brilliance of the special effects and the continuation of the story as a 3 part trilogy, conspired to make Star Wars more than just another movie. It was part of an era. The popularity of the Star Wars franchise has been continued successfully in recent years with the prequel movies, Star Wars I, Ii, and Iii. In the merchandising department, Lego has also kept Star Wars at the forefront of toy and game development, in a wide collection of formats, along with the Lego Death Star 10188 model which was introduced in 2008.

There is more than enough in this Lego set to keep you busy for hours on end as you fabricate this extraordinary project, a task not to be undertaken lightly, as it contains well over three thousand Lego pieces. Even the schooling manual is exceptionally large, at over two hundred and fifty pages. As it has been designed to be a playable piece, the Lego Death Star is relatively sturdy and can be moved reasonably well once construction is complete. However, there will always be a few, small, fiddly bits that may fall off.


The four level Death Star contains a aggregate of the scenes featured in two dissimilar Star Wars movies. The half constructed Death Star in Stars Wars Iv- A New Hope and the completed Death Star from Star Wars Vi - Return of the Jedi. The model features the iconic scenes from the movies such as the Death Star control room, the Detention block, the Hangar bay and, of course, the Emperors' Throne room for the blockbuster finale. The completed project is a large sphere that does not have the outer shell, but rather leaves each internal location for real available. The set is designed in detail and there are special touches to make the Death Star more fun, such as the rotating guns and the spinning chairs.

A great benefit of this model is that it is not just optical project that sits on a shelf once it is finished. This Lego 10188 Model is constructed to be an item of play, and is almost 16" high and wide when it is completed. The set includes 24 figures allowing you to re-enact some of the most memorable scenes from the movies.

Some of the figures in the Lego Death Star 10188 are exclusive collector items in their own right, in singular the new versions of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker dressed in Storm Trooper gear, and both the interrogation and death star droids which have never featured in any of the old sets. The Dianoga trash creature is also made available for the first time so you can play the scene in the trash compactor where Luke, Han and Chewbacca help Princess Leia escape from the detention center in the former Star Wars Iv.

The Lego Death Star

